Big Signs
Thank you for your interest in having a really BIG sign on your commercial or high-traffic property. We are required to document permission for placing such signs and we appreciate you taking a couple minutes to complete the following. Don't worry, we do all the digging and installation of the sign. You just have to fill out a few boxes and we take it from there.
By submitting this online form at and clicking "add signature" below,
I hereby give permission to the Byron Donalds for Congress campaign to place one or more four (4) foot by eight (8) foot sign on my property listed in the address on this form.
The campaign is responsible for installing and removing the sign in compliance with all state statutes and municipal codes.
I attest that I own, lease, or rent the property upon which this sign will be placed and/or have the full authority of the owner to grant permission for the placement of this sign.